
collectibles / based on theatre

Waiting for Godot – features a collection of hand-sculpted ceramic clocks borrowing its title from Samuel Beckett’s play – major figure of the theatre of the absurd

“    Estragon: — Charming spot.
(He turns, advances to front, halts facing auditorium.)
Inspiring prospects. (He turns to Vladimir.) Let’s go.
    Vladimir: — We can’t.
    Estragon: — Why not?
    Vladimir: — We’re waiting for Godot.
    Estragon: (despairingly) — Ah! (Pause.) You’re sure it was here?
    Vladimir: — What?
    Estragon: — That we were to wait”

The plot presents two men passing the time aimlessly, while waiting for someone who never comes. An action based on what happen in the non-action. First inspired by the 40hour working contract, then twisted with the beginning of the pandemic, Buro Mesnildot borrows Beckett’s sense of absurdity to reflect on the strange time we are living in … always waiting for something, never really knowing what it is and if it will actually come. The long wait takes the shape of many clocks - tilted, wobbly and rough - like a pointless attempt to grab the matter of time.


hand sculpted crank stoneware with quartz clock mechanism, delivered with certificate of authenticity

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Shop Here or email buro.mesnildot@gmail.com for special order.