Designer in charge of the research program : Design des Instances
A project by Cité du Design Saint-Étienne, under the direction of Olivier Peyricot.
The word “Instance” could be translated from french as “a form of authority” which could relate to a design research interrogating public organization and social construct.
Initiated in 2015 the program hypothesis was to demonstrate the capacity of self-organized citizen’s collectives, to serve as models for the development of new configurations of democratic spaces and tools. In other words, a bottom-up reproduction of public representation as a counter-point for a top-down hierarchy of the decisions commonly in use within institutional organizations.
"By its very nature, a state is ever something to be scrutinized, investigated, searched for. Almost as soon as its form is stabilized, it needs to be remade […] And since conditions of action and inquiry and knowledge are always changing, the experiment must always be retried; the State must always be rediscovered." The public and its problems, John Dewey (1927)
Research team
- Olivier Peyricot, head of the Research department
- Fiona du Mesnildot, lead designer and researcher
- Thibault le Page, post graduate research student
- Marine Fulchiron Lecointe, coordinator
Research Associates
- Simone Fehlinger, Pauline Gourlet, Tiphaine Kazi-Tani, Silvia Frederiksson - Design Research
- Julie Brugier, Éléa Teillier, Isabelle Daëron - Design
- Mélanie Burlet (Anact), Frank Léard, Collectif Colaveri - Sociology
- Simon Chignard, Soizic Penicaud (Etalab) - Policy Advisor
- Post-Graduate Research students 2020-2022 (Esadse-CyDRe)